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A collection of archived, unfinished artwork, sketches, digital designs and illustrations by Gaelle M. Includes sketches, lettering and other digital projects to enhance my skills. Hover over each image for more info. Here from my portfolio deck? Scroll down to see answers!

pixel icon of crown miscellaneaous artwork Lettering, Graffiti and Calligraphy WIP gif 'Favorite' gif 'Homage to Florida' sticker made in Figma 'Anti-Social Book Clubbin' ticket sticker made in Figma

Clark Kent is Superman📰
@adamu_teth is Black/Teth-Adam 🏜️
@shockav is Static Shock! (Virgil Hawkins)⚡
Diana Prince is Wonderwoman⚔️
@amarie_remy is Rogue x Gambit (Mr. & Mrs. X)💍
@i_jbileex is Jubilation Lee 💥
Carol Danvers is Capt. Marvel☄️
@hey_toad04 is Toad. Not really a superhero 🐸
@p_atreides is Paul Atreides from Dune 🗡️